Today, a day of taking a breath, slowing down and being aware of all I/we are thankful for, my cup runneth over with abundance and blessings.
My family is healthy and strong (in the time of Covid), my health is good in my late 60’s, we live in an incredibly beautiful part of the planet, we have the opportunity and ability to eat healthy food (daily), we have a safe place to call home, I fall asleep quick and wake up 7 hours later (woo-hoo!), Trump is leaving and so, so much more.
One item I am deeply thankful for is having creativity as a close compatriot in my life. At every turn, every breath, every life decision creatively walking through life has been a blessing. Because of my brother, creativity, after leaving the music industry in 2009, my/our focus turned to making sculptures out of ‘found objects’ or assemblage. Slowly, yet surely our barn transformed into my ‘happy place’, where creativity is not only expected in this space, it is supported and furthered. There are literally thousands of objects everywhere one looks, all beconning to take it down and turn it into an expression of what we feel, who we are at that time.
So, in this day of taking stock, acknowledging our blessings, I am deeply thankful for having such a place to play, create, be who I am that day, that hour……with my life partner Esther. Such abundance in the time of isolation and Captain Covid is a blessing! Ho!